Already in 2022 Ukrainian wines took to the sea, the Baltic Sea, sailing between Stockholm, Tallinn, Helsinki, sometimes Riga, Turku and other cities.
Tallink, one of the world’s largest ferry companies, took the risk of offering Ukrainian wines as a one-off idea on its boats. That was nearly three years ago, and the number of Ukrainian wines in the ferry’s stores and restaurants has steadily increased.
Beykush, Chizay, Frumushika and Stakhovksy wines all sail between the Nordic capitals every day. Soon Shabo will join them.
Swedish passengers especially, have welcomed the wines. Beykush’s Alvarinho is their favourite, while Finns have taken to Frumushika’s Odesa Black.
The Alvarinho, or Albarinho, is a very special wine. Some years ago, Beykush experimented with the grape, which is usually only in use in Portugal and Spain. Beykush’s Alvarinho turned out superb – think apricot, lemon, crunchy apple and spicy herbs. The 2023 vintage even received a silver medal from Decanter.
Unfortunately Beykush does not produce enough of the Alvarinho, so we only have limited stocks and not enough for the Wines from Ukraine shop. But if the wine sounds interesting, write to us (info@winesfromukraine.com) and maybe we can salvage a few bottles.