Beykush winery is located in the Mykolaiv oblast, right on shores of the Black Sea.The vines are growing in a very unique place – on Cape Beykush, where the vines grow only 100 meters from the sea.
Head of Beykush Winery and president of Ukraine’s craft wine producers association.
Beykush vineyards currently grow 11 hectares of white grape varieties – Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio, Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc, Rkatsiteli and red varieties – Pinot Noir, Merlot, Saperavi, Cabernet Sauvignon. In addition, there is an experimental vineyard with white varieties such as Alvarinho, Timorasso, Ukrainian local variety Telti-Kuruk, and red varieties such as Tempranillo, Malbec and Pinotage.
Beykush wines are often unconventional blends or rare experimental varieties which give excellent results. Winemakers rethink Western technologies for Ukrainian realities and the resulting wines once again show the potential not only of Beykush’s lands but also the capabilities of their hands.
Currently Beykush winery is on the front line, it has seen constant shelling nearby from the very beginning of the war. However, the winery has luckily not been hit. Despite the war, this year, the harvest has started at the right time, but all workd is conducted with extreme caution.